Statements API
Statement Summaries
For this endpoint, this Table defines the Custom Objects for the Response parameter of Statement Summary.
Property | Description |
STMT_AMT_OF_SALES | Statement Sales Amount Dollar-and-cent amount of the sales shown on the statement. Format: 9999999999999999.99 |
STMT_AMT_OF_DBT | Statement Debit Amount Dollar-and-cent amount of the debits shown on the statement. Format: 9999999999999999.99 |
STMT_AMT_FIN_CHG | Statement Finance Charge Amount Dollar-and-cent amount of the finance charge shown on the statement. Format: 9999999999999999.99 |
STMT_ENDING_BAL | Statement Ending Balance Dollar-and-cent amount of the ending balance on the specified statement. Format: 9999999999999999.99 |
STMT_MIN_PAY | Minimum Payment Amount Dollar-and-cent amount of the minimum payment due for current billing cycle. Format: 9999999999999999.99 |
STMT_EXT_STAT_CD | External Status Code Issuer-assigned code at the time the statement was issued. The System recognizes this code to control specific account processing. The System assigns status Z when making a charge-off adjustment. Valid codes: A = Authorization prohibited B = Bankrupt C = Closed E = Revoked F = Frozen I = Interest accrual prohibited L = Lost U = Stolen Z = Charged off blank = Normal |
STMT_INT_STATUS_CD | Internal Status Code System-assigned status code at the time the statement was issued. Valid codes: D = Delinquent O = Overlimit X = Delinquent and overlimit / = Normal or credit balance |
STMT_TYPE | Statement Type Code identifying the type of statement. Valid codes: 00 = Bulk mail hold code statement. This statement is among the statements mailed to user’s institution in bulk for accounts with their hold code set so the System sorts statements according to customer account identifier (statement hold code C). 01 = Company statement. This is a statement produced on commercial card accounts that have a hold code set. 02 = Special case statement. This is a statement requiring System scrutiny before sending and includes out-of-balance statements and statements requested. 03 = Hold code statement. This is a statement requiring user scrutiny before mailing to customer. A type 3 statement can have any one or more of the following identifying characteristics. Hold code set. External status of B (bankrupt), U (stolen), or Z (charged-off). Item in dispute. Small balance charge off. This code also identifies charge-off statements automatically produced on microfiche when an account is charged off and over-limit courtesy statements forwarded directly to you. 04 = Zero balance statement. This is a statement on a zero balance account generated on microfiche only. Hard copy statements on zero balance accounts are considered regular statements and send directly to the customer. The external status statement print control parameters in the Statement Production section (CP IC SP) of the Product Control File control the Zero balance statement production. 05 = Zap statement. This is a statement automatically produced when an account is transferred. It lists the detail items and balance from the old account so that they can be verified on the new account listing. 06 = Security statement. This is a statement that sends to Fraud Management Services because of suspected fraud. 07 = Regular statement. This is a statement produced during the account’s normal cycle and sends directly to the customer. 08 = Bulk mail statement. This statement is among the statements mailed to user’s financial institution in bulk. 09 = Regular statement (mail enlarged print). This is a statement produced on 11x14 paper during the accounts normal cycle and sends directly to the customer. 33 = Bulk mail statement, with inserted materials. This statement is among the statements mailed to user’s institution in bulk. 34 = First Class flat. This is a First Class flat mail piece. 35 = First Class parcel. This is a First Class parcel mail piece. |
STMT_CRD_LINE_AMT | Credit Line Amount Maximum whole-dollar amount extended to this account as shown on the Statement. Format: 9999999999999999 |
STMT_AVAIL_CREDIT | Available Credit Remaining Amount of the account’s unused credit. Format: 9999999999999999 |
STMT_PAY_DUE_DATE | Payment Due Date Date when the minimum payment is due for this billing cycle. Format: MMDD |
STMT_DAYS_BILL_CYC | Days In Billing Cycle Number of days that interest accrued between the statement before last and the last statement. 3 digits |
STMT_HOLD_CD | Held Statement Destination Code Code representing whether a hard copy statement is produced and where the hard copy statement is sent. Valid Codes: C = Sort hard copy statements according to customer account identifier and mail to user. D = System-generated code that represents default strategy ZBFD has been assigned to customer. N – Send hard copy statement to customer. R – Returned mail; do not print a hard copy statement. If this field is set to R, the System generates the NM*165, Hold Correspondence transaction, to set the hold correspondence flag to 1. Be aware that setting the hold correspondence flag to 1 prohibits the System from printing delinquency notification statements, over-limit courtesy statements, and messages. In addition, it may prohibit the System from printing automatically generated letters, including automatic credit line changes, automatic external status code changes, and automatic charge offs. Note: Refer to the Step 9 – Generating the Letter chapter in the Cardholder Letters manual for more information about determining whether automatically generated letters are suppressed or generated. The System automatically changes R to N once you update address information. If this field is set to R, you can only change it to N. If you try to change this field to any other value, the System rejects the change and generates the following message. CARDHOLDER STMT HOLD CODE IS R. S = Send hard copy statement to Fraud Management Services. If this field is set to S and you use the Adaptive Control System, automated letters and letter data generated out of the Adaptive Control System (ACS) will not be produced. V = Enlarge statement contents to fit on 11x14 paper and send to customer. W = Do not print a hard copy statement. Instead, produce the statement only for CIS (Customer Inquiry System) and on microfiche. Y = Send hard copy statement to you. If this field is set to Y and you use the Adaptive Control System, automated letters and letter data generated out of the Adaptive Control System will not be produced.1-9 – Send hard copy statement to you for this number of billing cycles. Each time a statement is sent to you, the System subtracts 1 from the number in this field. When the number reaches zero, the System resets the Held Statement Destination Code to N, the Held Statement Sort Distribution Code to zeroes, and sends the next statement to the customer. If this field is set to 1-9 and you use the Adaptive Control System, automated letters and letter data generated out of the Adaptive Control System will not be produced. blank – Send hard copy statement to customer. |
STMT_AMT_OF_DBT | Statement Debit Amount Dollar-and-cent amount of the debits shown on the statement. Format: 9999999999999999.99 |
STMT_AMT_OF_DBT | Statement Debit Amount Dollar-and-cent amount of the debits shown on the statement. Format: 9999999999999999.99 |
STMT_AMT_OF_DBT | Statement Debit Amount Dollar-and-cent amount of the debits shown on the statement. Format: 9999999999999999.99 |
STMT_AMT_OF_DBT | Statement Debit Amount Dollar-and-cent amount of the debits shown on the statement. Format: 9999999999999999.99 |